1.1×1.8mm Enameled rectangular copper wire is made of oxygen free copper, which are drawn or extruded by the specification mould. Yindawo enomoya ophekiweyo enezixhobo ezininzi zepeyinti emva kokuthathwa konyango lokuthambisa.Umaleko we-inshurensi ye-wire yinqanaba le-Polsamide, kunye neBanga lokuchasana nobushushu li-220 ℃.
The enameled flat wire is an enameled wire with a rectangular conductor with an R angle. Ichazwa yimidlalo efana nomqhubi onamancinane, umqhubi wexabiso lomda, iXesha leMida yeFowuni yobushushu kunye nobubanzi befilimu kunye nohlobo lwefilimu. The conductors can be copper, copper alloys or CCA copper clad aluminum.
I-Flat okanye i-cire ye-cire yobhedu yobhedu olwenziweyo kuphela otshintsha ngokuthelekiswa nobhedu olunike ixesha lokuvumela i-upichsings evumelekileyo, ngaloo ndlela ihambisa imali kunye nokugcinwa kwesisindo kunye nokugcina ubunzima kunye nokugcina ubunzima. The electrical efficiency is also better, which saves energy.